
Showing posts from July, 2020

New Zealand Wellington Mission Blog MAY & JUNE 2020

New Zealand Wellington Mission Blog May & June 2020 Yes, it has been quite a while since we last posted to our Blog and much has happened over that period of time. We thought that April was busy, and it was, but we have to admit that May and June have been a bit of a blur. Time is flying by. A Scene from one of our Daily Walks. It is beautiful down here, even in the Winter Many have asked when we would be doing our next post or wondering if we had come home. Fred even had someone call on our home phone line to see how we are doing now that we were at home. They thought that we would have come home like most of the other senior missionary couples that they knew but Fred let them know that we are still here in New Zealand and are doing great. As we mentioned in our last post, all the Senior Couple Missionaries in our Mission were given the option to go home on 6 APR with all the other repatriated USA and CDN missionaries, or to stay. We chose to stay, and we feel so ble...